All posts by acme


Mangrovia.Net is born, and I hope we can do something different.

I would like to tell much more about the ideals behind this company, and already the fact that I have to call it company makes me feel strange. Anyway, I think in life, in the life we are living at the moment something has to change before we get to the point of no return. Revolution is not possible, the human beings are more than 6 billions, 3 times the number of less than 100 years ago, many  believe that we will all kill ourselves, doing in big what the inhabitants of Rapa Nui did in 1000 years.

I believe we still have a chance, starting from ourselves, showing the past to our children, letting be teached by them, and learning to be more sustainable.

I hope Mangrovia can be different. I will work hard for it !

Peace YO !


Hello *

This is the new site online of OLOCOLORS.

At the moment we are defining our structure and taking some changes. On the [projects] page you can get a clue of what we do and how olocolors is related to the network. We are planning something, cross fingers and praise the BSD daemon for us.

On the [art] page you will find links to friends dealing with art and cultural projects. Take a look!

The new server is finally here !!! up and running since the 1st of August. Here are some pics -> IBM_x330
For a complete list of features -> specs
Thanks to the generosity of the best provider in europe :-), silver::server – we are on the backbone for you!

Since last year we are also certified by CAcert and we are looking to support them as we can.

If you want to know more or need to contact us for ideas, projects or parties, you can simply mail us::

ask (at) olocolors (dot) org.